華富財經 Quamnet.com Logo
2022-03-28 18:40:23
華富財經傑出企業大獎2021 - 獲獎名單

由華富財經網主辦的【華富財經傑出企業大獎2021】公布獲獎企業名單,本年度共八間企業獲得九項殊榮。大獎在疫情下仍獲得商界,香港及海外媒體支持,一同見證獲獎公司卓越成就。Quamnet Outstanding Enterprise Awards 2021 announced the awarded enterprises, with eight enterprises being awarded for nine awards. The Awards was able to receive recognition from the business community and media from both Hong Kong and overseas, witnessing the outstanding performances of these companies.

Quamnet Outstanding Enterprise Awards